Recently, it seems like my dog is at the doctor more then I am. As a dog owner, you not only learn all about behavior, but you learn about dog health conditions. Unfortunately, I had to learn about dog "hot spots."
Dog hot spots are a result of a skin condition officially called pyotraumatic dermatitis. It is a bacterial infection that develops and rapidly spreads in the skin. Hot spots are painful to the dog, can emit pus and smell badly. Hair loss from around the infected area is common. Because dog hot spots are so painful and irritating many dogs will bite and scratch the area causing the infection to spread.
Although hot spots are most common in dogs with thick coats, they can occur in any breed. A common cause for hot spots is moisture getting caught next to the dog's skin, making an ideal spot for an infection to start. Moisture can become trapped by matted fur, a dog collar, or simply thick fur. Many times chronic dog hot spots stem from an allergic condition (which is most likely the case in my pup). Though some dogs are simply more prone to hot spots than others.
It is best to treat hot spots quickly to prevent further spreading of the infection, and for the relief of your dog. Also, some dogs will scratch at a hot spot to the point of breaking the skin. This makes the condition even more painful, and provides the opportunity for a more serious infection to occur.
As for the source of Rocco's condition? We know he has seasonal allergies. Plus, recently, someone bought our dog some generic "commercial" dog treats as a gift. Since we normally feed him so-called premium treats, it's possible that he has food allergies and the generic dog treats caused him to break out with the hot spot. That, combined with having thick fur, could be the cause. Hopefully, this will be the last time we have to worry about hot spots.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Dog "Hot Spots"
Pet Allergies
This is a great article I found by the humane society of the United States about allergies to pets. What a cruel world it is that people can be allergic to our furry friends. I know the feeling….I’m allergic to cats and went for allergy shots (as mentioned in the article) to help lessen the burden. Though I can be around cats for a little while without too much reaction, long-term exposure causes issues for me and therefore I can’t have a kitty. I’ve read that children who are brought up with pets have less issues with allergies, but it didn’t work for me as we always had cats and dogs around. Luckily, I can still have a dog with no issues.
The article is long, but worth the read.
Pet Dander Lingering in the Home
A friend of ours is cursed with severe pet allergies. Although I consider it a cruel joke to have pet allergies (and I can relate), it is a big issue and something he needs to deal with on a daily basis.
It’s become a bigger concern since he’s in the market for a new home and has visited several where there are pets. His main concern of course is how long does it take for the pet dander to completely leave the home?
A call to the doctor gave him some approximations, but of course, a doctor won’t guarantee anything. He was told that in general pet dander can take up to 6 months to fully leave the home. It can be in the vents, ducts, walls and carpets. A new carpet and newly painted walls may get rid of the dander faster, but there is no telling if there will be anything in the walls, frames, or baseboards.
There are some things that he can do to help make it a smooth transition if he does buy a place that used to have animals. Those include having the vents cleaned, rugs shampooed and investing in an air purifier. But again, there is no sure fire way to know if all of the dander is out of the home.
Pets With Food Allergies
Food allergies account for about 10% of all the allergies seen in cats and dogs.
The entire process of a pet being sensitized to a particular agent in food and the complicated antibody response that occurs in the intestinal tract in pets with food allergies are not very well understood. Despite our lack of understanding of the actual disease process, there are many things that we do know.
Food allergies affect both cats and dogs. There is no strong link between specific breeds and food allergies. Food allergies affect both males and females and neutered and intact animals equally. They can show up as early as five months and as late as 12 years of age, though the vast majority of cases occur between 2 and 6 years. Many animals with food allergies also have concurrent inhalant or contact allergies.
There is a distinction that needs to be made between food allergies and food intolerances. Food allergies are true allergies and show the characteristic symptoms of itching and skin problems associated with feline and canine allergies. Food intolerances can result in diarrhea or vomiting and do not create a typical allergic response. Food intolerances in pets would be similar to people that get diarrhea or an upset stomach from eating spicy or fried foods. Fortunately, both food intolerances and allergies can be eliminated with a diet free from offending agents.
Several studies have shown that some ingredients are more likely to cause food allergies than others. In cats, the most common offenders are fish, beef, and dairy products. As you may have noticed, the most common offenders are the most common ingredients in both cat and dog foods. This correlation is not a coincidence. While some proteins might be slightly more antigenic than others, many proteins are similar in form and the incidence of allergic reactions are probably associated with the amount of exposure.
The symptoms of food allergies are similar to those of most other allergies seen in cats. The primary symptom is itchy skin. Symptoms may also include hair loss, excessive scratching, and miliary dermatitis.
It is difficult to distinguish an animal suffering from food allergies from an animal suffering from allergies based on physical signs. However, there are a few signs that always signal food allergies. If ayour pet suffers from allergies year-round or if symptoms begin in the winter, it's highly likely that it is a food allergy. Cats may develop very itchy skin which does not respond to antihistamines or steroid treatment.
A high quality diet, as opposed to feeding commercial brand foods, can also help reduce food allergies.
(resources -
Diagnosis of Pet Food Allergies
Although the best way to be sure is to check with a vet, has some good tips on diagnosing food allergies in pets.
The diagnosis for food allergies is very straightforward. But due to the fact that many other problems can cause similar symptoms and that many times animals are suffering from more problems than just food allergies, it is very important that all other problems are properly identified and treated prior to undergoing diagnosis for food allergies. Once all other causes have been ruled out or treated, then it is time to perform a food trial.
A food trial consists of feeding a cat a novel food source of protein and carbohydrate for 12 weeks. A novel food source would be a protein and carbohydrate that the animal had never eaten before. An example would be duck and potato, or venison and potato. These diets are available commercially, or could be homemade. This must be the only thing the animal eats for 12 weeks. No treats and nothing from the table. Young growing pets have special dietary needs and a homemade diet that only contains one protein and one carbohydrate with no multivitamin or fatty acid may not be suitable even for only twelve weeks. For kittens undergoing a food trial, a balanced commercial diet like the ones listed above is recommended.
Veterinarians used to recommend that a pet only needed to be placed on a special diet for 3 weeks but new studies show that in dogs, only 26% of those with food allergies responded by day 21. However, the vast majority of the animals responded by 12 weeks. The same may be true in cats, therefore, it is very important to keep the cat on the diet for the entire 12 weeks. If the cat shows a marked reduction or elimination of the symptoms, then the animal is placed back on the original food. This is called 'provocative testing' and is essential to confirm the diagnosis. If the symptoms return after going back on the original diet, the diagnosis of a food allergy is confirmed. If there has been no change in symptoms but a food allergy is still strongly suspected, then another food trial using a different novel food source could be tried.
The only way to accurately diagnose food allergies is with a food trial.
Blood Testing: Many owners and veterinarians attempt to look to other tests to diagnose food allergies. Blood tests can be performed to screen for food allergies. In addition, intradermal skin testing could also be performed. Despite the fact that these tests are routinely performed and used as a diagnostic aid, there is no evidence that blood tests are accurate for the diagnosis of food allergies. The best way to diagnose and treat food allergies you must do a food trial.
The Pet Allergy Curse
A friend of ours is highly allergic to pets. In fact, just having us near him sometimes enough to triger his allergies since the alergens are in our clothes. Unfortunately, having allergies to pets is a common problem.
Studies show that approximately 15 percent of the population is allergic to dogs or cats. An estimated one-third of Americans who are allergic to cats (about two million people) live with at least one cat in their household anyway. In a study of 341 adults who were allergic to cats or dogs and had been advised by their physicians to give up their pets, only one out of five did. What's more, 122 of them obtained another pet after a previous one had died.
It's clear the benefits of pet companionship outweigh the drawbacks of pet allergies for many owners. Living comfortably with a companion animal despite being allergic to him requires a good understanding of the allergic condition.
The main source of irritation for allergy sufferers are glands in the animal's skin which secrete allergy-triggering proteins, called allergens, that linger in the animal's fur but also float easily in the air. Allergens are present in the animal's saliva and urine, too, and may become airborne when saliva dries on the fur. The severity of reaction to these allergens varies from one person to the next, ranging from mild sniffling and sneezing to life-threatening asthma, and can be complicated by simultaneous allergies to other irritants in the environment.
Since every person reacts differently to the allergens, there is no one thing that will help allergy sufferers. For some people, a simple allergy pill will help, while for others, having an air purifier to keep the home free is enough. A non-pet room in the house, usually a bed-room, could also help, but since the allergens tend to be in the air and can get in the air ducts, having an air purifier is this room will also be beneficial.
And of course, with any medical issues, seeking the care of a health care professional is a safe course of action. For people who don't have pets, it is beneficial to get an allergy test before getting attached to a furry new friend.
Tammy Grimes of Dogs Deserve Better arrested
On Monday, Sept. 11 Tammy Grimes, founder of Dogs Deserve Better, was arrested for saving the life of a dying dog.
After repeated attempts, by different people, to have East Freedom, Pennsylvania animal control officers rescue a dog that was chained and dying, Grimes rescued the dog named Doogie. She took the dog to the vet for treatment and then took him home. When she refused to return Doogie to his owners, she was arrested. Police and animal control officers were not interested in seeing the video evidence of how she found the dog. She was later released, but she is due in court on Sept. 21 to face charges of theft, receiving stolen property, criminal mischief, and criminal trespass.
What she did was save the life of a dog who’s owners were leaving him to die. How on earth can that be wrong? The dog’s owners are the ones who should be behind bars, not Tammy!
Breeding hypoallergenic cats
I just read an article this morning about a company that’s breeding hypoallergenic cats. They say they’re doing it because there is a need - a need people have to buy cats they won’t sneeze over. Right! I think the “need” is for the company bigwigs to put money in their pockets.
According to Reuters, the company spokesman says that one of the main reasons cats are given up is because of allergies. So…I guess breeding hypoallergenic cats is going to put an end to cats being put up for adoption or going to shelters. Wow! Is that all it takes?
I do feel bad for people who are allergic to cats (I’m one of them) but come on - honestly - is breeding a new and improved ‘hypoallergenic’ cat going to keep any cats out of the shelters? I seriously doubt it. And, as if breeding them isn’t bad enough, this company is going to start selling franchises early next year! Any of you who have read my blog, know I’m not a fan of breeding cats & dogs, but selling cat breeding franchises…I don’t know…it just seems downright wrong to me. The whole thing does to be honest.
Service dog asked to leave Wal-Mart
The big bully of big box stores is at it again…
Gina Pettrow, and her service dog Chloe were asked shopping in Wal-Mart recently when a two store managers asked them to leave. Chloe is a pit-bull and therefore, according to the managers, an “unstable and vicious breed.” Apparently the fact that Gina’s dog is a service dog, trained to help her get around, did not even enter into their decision. Despite being reminded of the fact that denying a service dog access to any public area is illegal, the managers insisted she and Chloe leave the store.
Personally I’m sick of Wal-Mart thinking they can do whatever they darn well please - whether it’s moving into an area and forcing all the Mom & Pop stores out of business, treating their employees like dirt, or denying service dogs like Chloe access to their store.Why do some people have dogs?
I don’t quite understand why some people have dogs…or any type of pet for that matter. I was taking care of a couple of cats over the weekend and since one of them has health issues whenever I take care of these two I go twice a day. It’s not their people I have a problem with…it’s some folks who live in an apartment I walk by to get to my client’s apartment.
I’ve taken care of these guys for the last few years, and every time I go over there I either see or hear a little dachshund outside in a small enclosed yard. I’ve never seen a person out there with him, but I hear the little guy barking his fool head off. I say “barking his fool head off” although he doesn’t bark nearly as much since he had to live with a shock collar for quite a while. The thing is, every time - and I do mean every time - I walk by this place, I hear the dog barking. I didn’t always see him though, and the yard is small…maybe 5′ x 8′ so there aren’t many places where he can hide. I thought at first that he was inside barking through an open window but all the windows and doors were always shut tight. It wasn’t until this past weekend that I heard the little guy barking and finally saw that he was stuck in a small crate outside!
Now I’ll admit, I haven’t spent an entire day watching what these folks do with their dog but like I said, every time I walk by that apartment I hear the dog and sometimes I see him and sometimes I don’t. When I heard him, and then saw that he was in a crate, the only conclusion I could come to is that this is how this little guy spends most of his time. It hurt to think it’s a very real possibility this little guy spends most of his time cooped up in a crate.
I know it’s not right to compare what other people do with their pets on how I live with mine, but sometimes I just can’t help but wonder WHY? Why have a dog if he’s not part of the family. I just don’t get it.
Leaving dogs in hot cars - DON’T DO IT!!
If you’ve read my blog in the past, you’ve likely seen me write rant about people leaving dogs in cars only to find them dead when they come back. Well, here ya go…here’s another one about two geniuses in Maine who left not one, but two dogs in a car while they went shopping at Home Depot. Sure, they feel bad about it now, but why didn’t they think about what they were doing before they left their dogs in an oven to die a grueling death?Authorities are investigating the deaths of two dogs left inside a car during this week’s hot spell.
According to Ellsworth Police Lt. Harold Page, a mother and her adult daughter parked their car at a Home Depot on Wednesday afternoon and left their dogs inside the car while they shopped. When the women emerged from the store about 45 minutes later, the dogs had died from heat exhaustion, police said.
According to the Bangor Daily News, the dog owners said they left their dogs inside the car but kept the engine and air conditioning running. When they returned to the car, the engine and air conditioning were not running. Police later observed the air-conditioning controls were in the on position and the keys were in the ignition.
Davis Instruments has information from a study done in 2002 on how hot it can get in parked cars. Does this really sound like something you want put your pet through?
Finding: On a day when the outside temperature was 73° Fahrenheit, it took only 20 minutes for the temperature sensor inside the car to reach a lethal level of 107° Fahrenheit.
Finding: On a day when the outside temperature was 86° Fahrenheit, it took only five minutes for the temperature sensor inside the car (placed in direct sunlight) to reach 132° Fahrenheit.
Finding: On a day when the outside temperature was 86° Fahrenheit, it took only 10 minutes for the temperature sensor inside the vehicle in the shade to reach a lethal level of 109° Fahrenheit.
Please, if you have your dog with you and you feel you MUST go in somewhere, either take the dog in with you (some places allow this) or take the dog home. Or if, as in this case, there are two or more of you, have one person stay outside with the dogs. Use your head a bit folks, if it’s too hot for you to sit in a hot car, it will be for your dog too. And, your dog doesn’t know how to turn the A/C back on if it goes off!
I’ve been tagged!
Johann the Dog tagged me a little while ago after she got tagged by The Dog Log. The deal with this tag is to name seven annoyances, and then tag some of my blogging friends so they can do the same. I could just copy Johann’s list since they also annoy me, but that would be kinda boring, so here are 7 new ones…
1. People who leave pets in cars when it’s hot outside.
2. Not having enough time to do all the things I want to do.
3. People who talk on cell phones while they’re driving, in restaurants, or in movie theaters. (what’s THAT important?)
4. Gas prices (but thankful I don’t have a gas-guzzler!)
5. Traffic
6. trying to read emails from people who don’t use any punctuation or capitalization making run on sentences that just keep going on and on making it really hard to understand what the heck they’re trying to say
7. Thinking about things that annoy me.
Since I’d rather think of other things than things that annoy me, I’m going to add 7 more things that make me smile
1. Seeing my dogs wag their tails.
2. My cat lying next to me, purring.
3. The smell of the forest in the fall and the crunch of the leaves under my feet.
4. The satisfaction of a job well done.
5. Surprising someone by doing something nice for them.
6. A beautiful, sunny day.
7. Money in my bank account!
And, here are the people I’m tagging - hopefully they’ll play along.
My dog was attacked by another dog
As I’m sitting here typing, my dog Lydia is lying next to me sleeping peacefully here on the couch. She’s perfectly fine now, and hopefully having some pleasant dreams as her feet twitch every few seconds. A few weeks ago though, we were nursing some aches and pains from a dog attack.
We went out for a walk, on the route we’ve walked for years. She was on a leash, walking quietly, minding her own business, when all of a sudden a dog lunged on top of her. Neither of us saw it coming. There was no warning whatsoever - no growling, no barking - absolutely no warning at all! As it attacked, there was just a flurry of dog, and a lot of yelping and growling mostly by Lydia. It was nearly impossible to know what to do and left me feeling so absolutely useless. There was no way I was going to reach down and try to pull them apart so I just yelled for help and tried to pull Lydia back. It was useless though because the dog had a pretty good hold on her. Eventually someone came and pulled the dog off of Lydia and I was able to check her neck to see if she was bleeding. There wasn’t, thankfully.
The dog owner, who saw the attack, is an idiot. He didn’t check to see if my dogs or I were ok. Nor did he apologize. And, after taking Lydia to the vet, the guy wasn’t interested in paying the bill. After talking to a couple of the neighbors though, none of this is surprising. The guy has had a few complaints to animal control because of the dog getting out and doing the same thing. Animal control won’t do anything though since there was no permanent damage to either one of us.
The way the current vicious dog ordinance in Austin is written, this type of dog is not considered vicious, and therefore all animal control can do is to give the owner a little ‘dog owner responsibility’ speech. In other words - nothing. There’s a new vicious dog ordinance being worked on though, which I’ve posted about before. Many people, including me, are unhappy with some of the language in it because it makes the ordinance too vague. Once the ordinance is finished though, hopefully animal control will be able to take some type of action when something like this happens.
The good thing is that Lydia is feeling a lot better now. She was limping for a few days, and had some scratches and small puncture wounds on her neck, but she’s going to be OK.
Technology can be a bad thing for business
Yes, you read that right…technology can be a bad thing for a business owner…if it’s not used properly. Specifically, I’m talking about cell phones.Pet sitters and dog walkers don’t sit around in their offices very often - at least that’s the goal! They’re mostly out and about taking care of pets, and meeting new clients. And, thankfully, because of cell phones, being on the run doesn’t have to mean missing calls like it used to. They can be a real asset to a business owner whose business is mobile.
Cell phones can be a real detriment too.
A few days ago I had a guy come to my house to give me an estimate on some work I need done. It had nothing to do with pets, but it does have something to do with a cell phone. As we were talking and I was pointing out what needed to be done, his cell phone rang. He looked at his phone and at first I thought, “OK, he’s just looking but not going to answer it.” I was wrong! He answered the darn thing, which meant I was essentially put on hold…as he stood in MY house…he put me on hold for some unknown caller.
There was no, “excuse me I’ve been waiting for this call” or “this is an emergency and I need to take it” … nothing! He simply stopped talking to me and answered his phone. (I would have understood an urgent call.)
He obviously didn’t realize his little call was the kiss of death as far as getting the job was concerned! Oh well.
The chit-chat only lasted a couple minutes, he hung up, and then went back to our conversation as if nothing happened. No apology, no acknowledgment of the interruption…nothing whatsoever. Is that like…Rude…with a capital R or what?!
He gave me the estimate but it didn’t matter at that point. I was so absolutely insulted by his actions that there’s no way I’d hire him. I’ve hired the guy who seemed genuinely interested in getting the job…and didn’t answer his cell phone while he was here!
I firmly believe that consultations with a potential client should be just that…consultations with the client…not a free for all where a ringing phone takes priority. Whether it’s a pet sitter meeting a client, a home remodeling person giving an estimate, or some other type of meeting, the client (or potential client) should be the priority during that time. If the business owner is truly interested in gaining that person’s business that means putting them first - and possibly even turning the cell phone off.
Personally, I think people get too addicted to the ring of their phone and dismiss what’s right in front of them in order to answer it. I see it with people talking on their phones in stores, in the movie theater, while driving, and obviously…in business meetings. Use one at the wrong time, and it could just cost you some business…just like it did the guy who didn’t get mine!
Press release: Pet sitters offer a wide range of services
Austin, TX – February 20, 2008 – Professional pet sitters offer a wide range of services to help pet owners care for their pets.
Professional pet sitters offer pet owners convenience and peace-of-mind by allowing them to leave their pets in the comfort of home while they travel or work long hours.
Although pet sitting has been around for many years, it is finally coming into its own. Pet owners are seeing it as a valuable and practical solution to caring for their pets when they are unable to do so themselves. They find that using the services of pet sitters is an excellent alternative to boarding their pets or having friends or family care for them in their absence. When pet owners travel, they are comforted by the fact that their pets are safe and happy in their own home. Similarly, when their job requires they work long hours, placing their pets in a professional pet sitter’s hands gives them peace-of-mind knowing their pet is not left alone for an extended period of time. Pet owners who have never used a pet sitter in the past are often sold on the service after just one try.
The advantages pet owners enjoy when a professional pet sitter cares for their pets are many, including:
- The pet stays in his normal surroundings; with the sights, sounds, and smells that are familiar to him.
- The pet does not need to be transported to a kennel or other unfamiliar place.
- The pet is able to follow his same routine (i.e. feeding, daily walk, etc).
- The pet and owner are able to develop an ongoing relationship with their caregiver.
- Individualized care and routines may be established for the pet.
- Household services may be performed such as daily home security checks, bringing in mail, and alternating lights.
- The pet owner feels a sense of security, knowing his pet and home are being looked after.
Pet sitting has been named as one of the fastest growing home-based businesses according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. “This growth is a result of the importance we put on the pets we share our lives with.” said Therese Kopiwoda, founder of, “Now, more than ever, our cats, dogs and other pets are considered family members rather than just pets. And, as family members, we want only the best for them. Pet sitters help us in that endeavor.”
Professional pet sitters take pride in the personalized, ongoing service and care they provide for their human and animal clients. Many of them invest time and money on a regular basis to further their pet-related education by attending industry related conferences, taking classes in pet first aid, pet massage, pet behavior, and dog training. And, while some may specialize in a particular service such as daily dog walking, others offer a wide range of services such as pet sitting, dog walking, dog park outings, overnight stays with the pet, pet waste removal, dog taxi services, and hospice care, to name just a few. Because pet sitting is a personalized service, most pet sitters are able to work with the client to develop specialized routines for the pet. In this way, pet sitters serve as the pet owner’s partner in the care and well being of their pets.
Pet owners who would like to know more about pet sitting and the pet sitting business may visit, where they will be able to search for professional pet sitters in their area. They will also find FAQs and information to help them with their selection of a pet sitter, to prepare for their pet sitter’s visits to their home, to learn what to expect from their pet sitter, and to learn what the pet sitter will expect from them.
About is one of the leading online destinations for pet owners searching for professional pet sitters, dog walkers, dog runners, and dog daycares throughout the United States. Based in Austin, Texas, was launched in 2003 by Therese Kopiwoda, who also serves a small number of pet sitting clients
Pet sitters need backups - & why I’m taking tomorrow off
It’s extremely important for pet sitters to have back up! Whether it’s a pet sitting company that has many employees or a sole proprietor, anyone who pet sits for a living needs to have someone to call on in case of emergency.
Tonight I had to call on my backup.
After doing a pet sitting visit this evening I got rear ended as I was leaving the apartment complex where my client lives. My car’s fine, but my neck, shoulder, & back took the brunt of the hit and I’m pretty beat up feeling right now. So, rather than try to drag myself out of bed in the morning for an early morning visit, I called on my backup person. Thankfully she’s available and knows the cats, and my client is fine with the stand in.
I’m not in such bad shape that it would be impossible for me to do the visit - it would have been very uncomfortable though with the pain I feel right now. But had it been worse, and if I didn’t have a backup, one of the cats would be in a life threatening situation because he’s diabetic and needs insulin twice a day. So, this is a prime example why it’s essential for pet sitters to have backups, and it’s something every pet owner should ask about when interviewing someone to care for their pets.
So…I may take the day off tomorrow, so if there’s no blog post you’ll know why…
I’m off to (hopefully) sleep away some of the pain!
Wishbones for Pets announces dates for 2007 pet goods drive
Wishbones for Pets, a charitable organization benefiting pets in need and hosted by pet sitters throughout North America, is pleased to announce the dates of its fourth annual pet goods/funds drive.
This year’s Wishbones for Pets drive runs from October 15 through November 30. During this time, Wishbones representatives throughout the United States and Canada will work with local businesses to collect pet supplies and other necessities for pet charities in their community. Because of the recent pet food recalls, Wishbones For Pets is encouraging donations of pet supplies and/or donations. Participating businesses will place collection bins and donation boxes in their businesses where patrons can donate to pets in need. Wishbones for Pets pet sitter representatives will then deliver the collected items to the chosen pet charity the week after Thanksgiving.
Janet Depathey, founder of Wishbones for pets, says, “This program is beneficial to everyone involved. It raises public awareness of the services of professional pet sitters, recognizes participating businesses, and most importantly benefits pets in need. And this year, many pet welfare groups are struggling due to the recall and the fact that they had to destroy massive amounts of tainted pet food. We’re hoping we can alleviate some of their burden by donating items that will help them in their mission to help the pets in their care.”
Pet sitters wishing to take part in the program are invited to visit the website, where they’ll find information on how to register as a Wishbones for Pets representative in their area. They’ll also find information on how to get started. Similarly, non-profit pet welfare groups are encouraged to contact pet sitters in their local area to invite them to be a representative for their organization. Working together, pet sitters and pet welfare groups can make a difference for many pets in need.
The Wishbones for Pets website contains a list of pet sitter representatives throughout the country who are participating this year. To find one in your area go to
Wishbones for Pets was started in 2004 by Janet Depathy, a professional pet sitter in Plymouth, MA. It is the first pet sitter related charity open to all professional pet sitters in North America, and runs annually from mid-October through the week after Thanksgiving. For more information on Wishbones for Pets, see their website at
The Pet Food List Newsletter is now available online. Here’s what we have for you in this issue…
Does My Dog Have Separation Anxiety?
My new puppy has separation anxiety,” the caller on the other end of the line tells me. More likely, the young puppy - a social creature by nature - has simply never been taught to stay alone. Other owners tell me, “My dog won’t stop barking in the yard - I think it’s separation anxiety.” “Could be,” I’ll say, “but it could also be those darn squirrels that are so much fun to bark at.” Read the full story.
Wishbones for Pets 2007
This year’s Wishbones for Pets (WBFP) drive runs from October 15 through November 30. WBFP is a pet sitter driven charity program, by which pet sitters work with local businesses to collect pet supplies and other necessities for pet welfare groups in their local communities. Read the full story.
Pet Food Bloggers Need Your Help!
South by Southwest, the prestigious internet/music/film conference held every March in Austin, TX, is considering a panel on pet bloggers and the pet food recall. Christie Keith, from Pet Connection will be there, I will be there, as well as other pet food bloggers….Ben from, and David Goldstein from the Huffington Post and All of our websites gained quite a bit of attention during the recall. If our panel is chosen, we’ll be there to talk about how bloggers made an impact in the recall, and how they are changing the way other major stories are reported. Find out how you can help us get there!
AVMA Warns about Jerky Dog Treats
The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) has recently been made aware of several complaints from pet owners and veterinarians that multiple brands of jerky treats manufactured in China have been making pets sick. Symptoms of illness have included vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy. To our knowledge, no deaths have been reported.Guess they don't read my blog.
The AVMA posted an alert on its Web site on September 13 to inform its members and the public about what was known. Today, the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM) issued a statement saying it also has become aware of an unusual number of dogs presenting similar symptoms and abnormal test results associated with consumption of some jerky treats. The ACVIM statement is available at
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is currently testing several products to see if a contaminant can be found. So far, they have ruled out melamine, one of the chemicals that led to the massive pet food recall this spring, but have yet to identify anything that might be making pets sick.
While a list of brand/product names of affected treats is not yet available, the AVMA has learned that all complaints have involved jerky treats from China. We recommend that pet owners use their best judgment in this matter.
Suspected cases should be reported to the FDA. To find the number for the FDA district office consumer complaint coordinator in your region, visit
The AVMA is monitoring the situation and will provide updated information on our Web site ( as soon as it becomes available. Like all information on our Web site, we will only post information that is credible and has been confirmed.
Unlike the AVMA and FDA, I consider multiple anecdotal reports credible. So let me say it a little stronger. DON'T FEED YOUR DOG CHICKEN JERKY TREATS right now, especially if they're made in China.
Smokehouse Brand Dog Treats Pulled by Petsmart
As of this morning, PetSmart has pulled various Smokehouse Brand dog treats off of their shelves. There have been reports of pets becoming ill after eating the treats, and as a precaution, PetSmart has removed the products. There has been no formal recall as of yet.
Here is what the PetSmart corporate office released to the PetSmart stores:
“Today the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) issued a media alert warning some treat products from China may be a potential threat to pets due to ’several complaints from pet owners and veterinarians of illness in dogs.’ No deaths have been reported at this time. The symptoms of pets reported sick were vomiting, lethargy and anorexia. To date, testing by the FDA and PetSmart Techinical Services has ruled out melamine contamination that might be making pets sick.
For now, we’re going to take the precautionary measure to pull this product from the shelves and contain it in the backroom. Our experts will continue to monitor the situation, analyze samples for a variety of possible problems and ask the vendor to test additonal product. Because of the relatively small number of complaints at this point, we’re not issuing a recall. We’ll provide timely updates as more information becomes available.”
Here is the SKU list of the Smokehouse Brand dog treats that have been pulled off of PetSmart shelves:
7856525052 5108696 Chicken Chips 1lb.
7856525053 5108692 Chicken Chips 8oz.
7856525092 5108693 Chicken Poppers 8oz.
7856525093 5108698 Chicken Poppers 1lb.
7856525134 5108691 Chicken Tenders 8oz.
7856525137 5126536 Chicken Breast Tender Snacks 1lb.
7856525138 5126535 Chicken Tenders 2lb.
7856584255 5126702 Duck Breast Tenders 8oz.
7856584256 5126534 Duck Breast Tenders 1lb.
7856584257 5126532 Duck Chips 1lb.
7856584258 5126531 Duck and Sweet Potato 1lb.
7856585808 5108695 Chicken Tenders 1lb.
FDA Tips for Preventing Foodborne Illness Associated with Pet Food and Pet Treats
FDA is informing consumers of steps they can take to help prevent foodborne illness, including Salmonella-related illness, when handling pet foods and treats. Pet food and treats, like many other types of foods, can be susceptible to harmful bacterial contamination. During calendar year 2007, 15 pet products have been recalled due to Salmonella contamination; however, to date none of these products have been directly linked to human illness.
Salmonella in pet foods and treats can cause serious infections in dogs and cats, and, if there is cross contamination, in people too, especially children, the aged, and people with compromised immune systems. Salmonella in pet food and treats can potentially be transferred to people ingesting or handling contaminated pet food and treats.
While the FDA has stepped up its efforts to minimize the incidence of foodborne illness associated with pet foods and treats, it’s important that consumers be mindful of the potential risks. Pet owners and consumers can reduce the likelihood of infection from contaminated pet foods and treats by following some simple, safe handling instructions.
Buying Tips for Pet Food
- Purchase products (canned or bagged) that are in good condition. No visible signs of damage to the packaging such as dents, tears, discolorations, etc.
Preparation Tips for Pet Food
- Begin with clean hands. Wash your hands for 20 seconds with hot water and soap before and after handling pet foods and treats.
- Wash pet food bowls, dishes and scooping utensils with soap and hot water after each use.
- Do not use the pet’s feeding bowl as a scooping utensil – use a clean, dedicated scoop, spoon or cup instead.
- Dispose of old or spoiled pet food products in a safe manner (example: in a securely tied plastic bag in a covered trash receptacle).
Storage Tips for Pet Food
- Refrigerate promptly or discard any unused, left-over wet pet food (cans, pouches, etc.). Refrigerating foods quickly keeps most harmful bacteria from growing and multiplying. Refrigerators should be set at 40 º F. The accuracy of the setting should be checked occasionally with a refrigerator thermometer.
- Dry products should be stored in a cool, dry place--under 80º F.
- If possible, store dry pet food in its original bag inside a clean, dedicated plastic container with a lid, keeping the top of the bag folded closed.
- Keep pets away from food storage and preparation areas.
- Keep pets away from garbage and household trash.
Raw Food Diets
The FDA does not advocate a raw meat, poultry or seafood diet for pets, but is stepping up its efforts to minimize the risk such foods pose to animal and human health because we understand that some people prefer to feed these types of diets to their pets. For the protection of both you and your pet, the FDA recommends you follow these instructions when handling or using raw meat, poultry or seafood, for use in a pet’s diet:
- Keep raw meat and poultry products frozen until ready to use.
- Thaw in refrigerator or microwave.
- Keep raw food diets separate from other foods. Wash working surfaces, utensils (including cutting boards, preparation and feeding bowls), hands, and any other items that touch or contact raw meat, poultry or seafood with hot soapy water.
- Cover and refrigerate leftovers immediately or discard safely.
In addition:
- For added protection, kitchen sanitizers should be used on cutting boards and counter tops periodically. A sanitizing solution can be made by mixing one teaspoon of chlorine bleach to one quart of water.
- If you use plastic or other non-porous cutting boards, run them through the dishwasher after each use.
Bravo! Recalls frozen Raw Pet Food
Bravo! announces a voluntary recall of select tubes of three of its poultry products for cats and dogs. The pet food is being recalled because two of the products have the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes, while the other product has the potential to be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes.
Both Salmonella and Listeria are organisms which can cause serious infections in dogs and cats, and if there is cross contamination, in people, especially small children, frail or elderly people, and others with weakened immune systems. Healthy people with Salmonella infection may only suffer short-term symptoms, such as high fever, severe headache, vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Long term complications can include arthritis and other more serious ailments. Healthy people with Listeria infection may only suffer short-term symptoms such as high fever, severe headache, stiffness, nausea, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Listeria infection can cause miscarriages and stillbirths among pregnant women.
The company has received no reports of illness in either people or animals associated with any of the three products.
The recalled products are distributed nationwide to distributors, retail stores, internet sales and directly to consumers, and they can be identified by the batch ID code located on the hang tag attached to the bottom of the plastic film tubes. The recalled products should not be sold or fed to pets. Pet owners should return unopened frozen tubes of food to the store where purchased for a full refund. Pet owners should dispose of opened tubes of product in a safe manner (example, a securely covered trash receptacle) and return the washed plastic batch ID tag to the store where purchased for a full refund.
Recalled Pet Food:
Product: Bravo Original Formula Chicken Blend frozen raw food
Product Numbers: 21-102, 21-105, 21-110
Sizes: 2 pound, 5 pound and 10 pound tubes
Batch ID code (on hang tag): 236
Reason for Recall: Salmonella, Listeria
Product: Bravo Original Formula Turkey Blend frozen raw food
Product Numbers: 31-102, 31-105, 31-110
Sizes: 2 pound, 5 pound and 10 pound tubes
Batch ID code (on hang tag): 236
Reason for Recall: Listeria
Product: Bravo Basic Formula Finely Ground Chicken frozen raw food
Product Number: 21-212
Size: 2 pound tube
Batch ID Code (on hang tag): 226
Reason for Recall: Salmonella, Listeria
Other Batch IDs for these same products are not involved in the recall.
Bravo! is issuing this action out of an abundance of caution and sincerely regrets any inconvenience to pet owners as a result of this announcement. This voluntary recall has been issued because the FDA detected the bacteria in samples during a recent review.
In an effort to prevent the transmission of Salmonella from pets to family members and care givers, the FDA recommends that everyone follow appropriate pet food handling guidelines when feeding their pets. A list of safe pet food handling tips can be found at:
People may risk Salmonella infection not only by handling these pet foods, but also by contact with pets or other surfaces exposed to these foods, so it is important that they thoroughly wash their hands with hot water and soap. Anyone who is experiencing the symptoms of Salmonella or Listeria infection after having handled the recalled product should seek medical attention. Consumers may report any complaints to FDA's local District Complaint Coordinator’s located on the FDA website:
Healthy cats and dogs rarely become sick from Salmonella. Animals ill with Salmonella will display symptoms similar to the ones listed above for humans. People who have concerns about whether their pet has Salmonella or not should contact their veterinarian.
For more information on the Bravo recall, please visit , or call toll free (866) 922-9222
FDA Warns Dog Owners on Chicken Treats
WASHINGTON -- Chicken jerky treats may have sickened dozens of dogs, federal health officials warned Wednesday despite failing to find any trace of contamination.I have personally read and much more than 70 complaints - if your dog ate these treats and got sick and you believe it is related, you MUST call the FDA.The Food and Drug Administration said it's fielded more than 70 complaints, involving more than 95 dogs, from owners who believe their animals fell sick after eating the products, sold variously as chicken tenders, strips or treats. While most dogs appear to have recovered, an unspecified number died.
The FDA said it's conducted extensive chemical and microbial testing on the treats but has not identified any contaminant. The agency continues to investigate.
Separately, the FDA reported it's received preliminary information from Banfield, The Pet Hospital that suggests a link between dogs that ate chicken jerky products and signs of gastrointestinal illness, including vomiting and diarrhea. Banfield is a large veterinary hospital chain that's able to collect and analyze data about the large number of pets it treats.
The FDA cautions pet owners who feed their dogs chicken jerky products to watch the animals for signs of decreased appetite or activity, increased water consumption and urination, and vomiting and/or diarrhea. Owners should consult a veterinarian if signs are severe or persist for more than 24 hours.
Earlier this year, Wal-Mart Stores Inc. pulled some chicken jerky dog treats from its shelves after company testing revealed the presence of the industrial chemical melamine. Subsequent FDA testing failed to find that or other contaminants.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Dog beds
Dog beds are also important to our pets. This information will give you an idea about what dog beds can do for your pets.
You should first understand that your pet's sleeping habits are largely instinctual. This means that your pet's bed should duplicate their natural habitat and should feel safe as well as not threatened while sleeping. Dogs are pack animals and are naturally accustomed to sleeping in close quarters with others. Before you buy a bed for your dog you should make sure that the size of the bed is suited to your pet's general proportions. Your pet dog should be able to stretch out completely as well as comfortably without hanging over the side of the bed. Aside from that, you should also place the dog bed in an area away from human traffic and also from direct heating or cooling sources.
Dog beds give a comfy sleeping area for your pets and also elevates your pet dog above the floor, supports joints as well as provides a degree of warmth. You can easily find varieties of Pet bed models today in the market from simple foam-filled cushions to high-end sofas with heating and cooling elements. Pet beds that are filled with cedar chips to discourage flea growth and machine washable fabric covers which make cleaning the product easier are also available. Different kinds of designs and materials are also rampant in the market. There are also manufacturers that uses stainless steel which is relatively easy to keep clean.
A washable cushion that is resistant to scratching and chewing is one of the best pet bed cushion that you can find in the market today. Some dog beds' cushions use a polyester fiber or foam as filler. This provides more comfort to your pet but doesn’t restrain flea growth. Other manufacturers use a zippered outer shell that can be filled with cedar chips and can be refilled with clean cedar chips periodically, but might not be as comfortable as foam pillows. Cedar chips discourage fleas from laying eggs.
You will also find dog beds that have heating and cooling options. Extreme heat from hot areas is bad for your dogs and a pet bed with a cooling option will surely give your dog a great relief. These pet bed with cooling option uses a refrigerated or frozen gel pad that can be placed inside the cushion of the pet bed. On the other hand, heated pet bed cushions can help aged dogs especially those with joint problems which are vulnerable to the effects of cold air and giving them pet bed warmers can really give them a lot of comfort.
Tips on Buying the Pet Stroller
If you are thinking of buying pet stroller for your little ones here are some tips on how to choose the right pet stroller for your dogs.
1. First thing to consider is the Functionality of the pet stroller that you want. The two main popular designs of pet stroller are detachable carrier and fully-collapsible pet stroller. There is a huge array of pet stroller products in the market today that offer various kinds of functions. Before you pay for any product you should first evaluate what pet stroller is suited to your needs.
Detachable carriers are pet strollers that don’t totally collapse and it also provides your pet a safe place to stay at the same time allows you to transfer them from one place to another without even taking them out from the compartment while the fully-collapsible pet stroller is a detachable carrier wherein the whole stroller folds by pushing a button. These kind of pet strollers are very ideal for frequent travelers.
2. Next to consider is the capacity: Before paying for that exquisite pet stroller secure your dog’s dimension first. Although you will find tags that indicate the maximum capacity of the product but it doesn’t mean that it will be comfortable to your pet. Securing your pet’s dimension will allow you to know if your dog can stand, sit, curl up and turn around in the pet stroller that you want to buy. Doing this before buying a dog stroller will let you avoid unwanted buys.
3. You might not notice it but road condition in your place is another significant factor that you must consider in choosing a pet stroller. Why, because it affects the performance of your pet stroller. It is advisable to buy a pet stroller with smaller wheels when the road in your place is well maintained and a dog stroller with bigger wheels is suitable to rough roads or uneven landscape.
4. Daily activities. If you always go out jogging with your dog every morning then a dog stroller that has three (3) is suitable for you wheels because it will provide you with the steadiness that you need. On the other hand, if you are just planning to walk around with your pet along the side walk of parks then a regular pet stroller with four (4) wheels would be your best pick.
5. Price. Everyone is looking for something that is affordable. There are a lot of online pet stroller retailers in the web that offers you affordable prices but you will end up with hidden charges and other costly stuffs. I highly suggest read first their return policies and shipping charges before making any transactions. You should read it carefully to know if there are any hidden charges involved and if possible ask their customer service representatives if there is something that you don’t understand in their policies.
6. A dog stroller with extra features is also a big plus especially when you are planning a whole day outdoor adventure with your pet. The extra compartment of the pet stroller is very handy and very ideal for putting your treats and other stuffs. There are also other dog strollers that has extra feature where you can place some things like your cellular phones or drinks.
7. To ensure the quality of the dog strollers buy only from legitimate retailers. There is a high demand for pet stroller products and dog carriers today. With so much demand, several online stores release the same product with the same brand name but aren’t originals. Some websites may have products that have the same feature and looks of the original but has a huge difference in their performance and stability.
Tips on Clipping your pet’s nail
Clipping your pet’s nails is considered one of the easiest tasks in grooming your pet yet there are people who don't know the proper way of clipping their pet's nails. When you let your pet’s nails untrimmed this can lead to broken nails that can cause bleeding, pain and discomfort to your pet. Long nails can snag on clothing, carpets, furniture and may even result to ingrown. Nails that are left untrimmed will keep on growing until it grows back into the pad of your pet’s paw and will result in ingrown and can be hard to remove especially to pets like cats. Like us, ingrown nails to pets can be really painful. This is why you should regularly trim your pet’s nails every week or two.
Here are a few tips to keep in mind in clipping your pet’s nails.
It is important to have the right equipments before you clip your pet’s nails. Having a good pair of clippers or trimmers exclusively designed for pets is a good investment. You will find a lot of clippers that are especially designed for specific type of animal in the market today. You can ask your veterinarian to give you an idea of brand or type of clippers that is suitable for your pet.
When it’s time to clip your pet’s nails make sure that he is calm, safe and comfortable. Pet’s especially dogs can be jumpy and can easily pick up emotions like when you are nervous. For first timer pets, make them get used to you holding their paw and slowly trim their nails. You don’t have to finish their nails all at once. When your pet gets excited stop or take a break. In time, your dog will be used to trimming.
Nail Clipping
Clipping your pet’s nail is easy. All you have to do is to lift and hold your pet’s paw and clip it below the blood vessel . Be careful not to clip the blood vessel which runs down the middle of the nail. You can easily spot the blood vessel especially with pets with light-colored or clear nails compare to pets with darker nails. You should hold a small flashlight so you can spot the it and ask someone to hold your pet still while clipping their nails to avoid any kind of accidents. If you cut the the blood vessel your pet will flinch and the nail will bleed. If this accident happens you don’t have to panic. Just apply a styptic to the cut.
If you can’t figure out where the quick is and afraid of hurting your pet, you might want to hire a professional pet groomer to do the job. You can also find a lot of pet products online to help you with this task.
Dog life jacket
I found this interesting dog product called at petstreetmall. It is an online pet store that offers different kinds of pet products especially designed for various purposes. I know a lot of you enjoy swimming at beaches especially during summer season. Every summer my family and I go to the beach to have some fun and we bring along our pet dog. For those people who enjoy the beach as much as I do, I suggest that you check out this wonderful pet product!
"The features I like most about this dog life jacket are:Dog Life Jackets and Dog Life Vests are a great solution for the dog owner that has a pool or frequents a beach or lake. A Dog Life Jacket or Dog Life Vest provides your dog the same protection as a life jacket provides a child. Just strap your pooch into a comfortable dog life jacket and let him have fun in the water. Got a boat? Don't worry about your dog falling out when he's got a dog life jacket on! No more constant supervision when your dog goes out back near the pool. Dog life jackets work great to keep your dog safe around any body of water.
Pet Street Mall offers you all the items necessary for aquatic activity when it involves your dog. We carry several dog life jackets in many different styles and colors. Our dog life jackets and dog life vests are proven to keep your dog safe around water and are made from the highest quality materials available. We offer the Lowest Prices on dog life jackets and life vests and we'll deliver them right to your front door! Order a dog life jacket or vest today and receive it in time for your vacation!"
click here to read more
It is constructed to provide your lovely pets the ultimate buoyancy. In addition to the flotation features, this dog life jacket has reflective trim for maximum visibility and a practical assistance handle for helping your dog over deck railings, pontoons and possible nautical nuisances.
This life jacket is very useful especially your vacation includes boat outings. A life jacket is a necessity even for dogs so make sure that a dog life jackets or dog life vest is around your pooch. In addition to the flotation features, this dog life jacket has reflective trim for visibility and a practical assistance handle for helping your dog over deck railings, pontoons and potential nautical nuisances. It also has a Heavy-duty and very comfortable Velcro® fastening system around the belly and neck which is one of my favorite features of the product.
How to deal with pets during holidays
We love holidays! Usually holiday is the day we bond with our families and friends but the noise that fireworks brings during holiday frighten pets. My pet dog barks whenever there are fireworks. There are some pets that get aggressive or become traumatized whenever there are loud fireworks near them because most animals are extremely sensitive to noise. Some pets also exhibit the same actions when they are afraid of thunder or lightning storms. Animals can become overloaded when cities shoot off fireworks especially during Memorial Day, the 4th of July, Labor Day and New Year. These days can be very hard on pets but don’t worry because here are some tips that you can do to help your pet.
You should create a safe place for the pet and bring outdoor dogs inside. Let your cats to hide under the bed or in closets while the celebration is happening. Always remember not to force your pet to be social when they are in this kind of situation, just allow them to hide.
You should leave your pets alone when they hide in a closet or under the bed. Pets usually do these stuffs when they want to feel safe and secure. Your pet will come to you when they want you to comfort them; this is the right time that you give comfort to them. Don’t go after your pet when they are hiding because they will come out when they are more relaxed and ready to be social.
When they are becoming aggressive or uncontrollable you can consider using non-addictive relaxers. You can consult your veterinarian on what kind of relaxer that you can give to your pet. You can also ask your veterinarian to prescribe tranquilizers when your pet has bad reactions to noise and chaos. You can start giving rescue remedy or tranquilizers to your pet a few hours before the noise is about to start.
You should also limit your pet’s contact to other animals and to children especially when your pet has a tendency to become aggressive at this time. Pets usually exhibit signs of aggression when they are anxious or nervous because of noise and commotion. A normally behave cat or dog may bite or attack a child or other pets when they are in fear due to commotion around them.
Cat grooming products
If you are looking for cat grooming products, you will surely enjoy these products that we found in Petstreetmall.
Grooming your cat requires the right kind of pet grooming products and regular maintenance. When buying for pet grooming products you should always consider the quality of tools that you are buying. We have chosen these products because of its affordability and quality.
These amazing pet grooming products will surely help your furry friend looking and feeling great all the time!
Corner Comber – This is a self grooming aid for your cats. It is made from durable, high quality plastic that can be attached easily to any wall or corner.
Cat Claw Scissors - These cat claw scissors are hot forged from fine quality steel. This product has been heat treated to ensure the longest life.
Coarse Tooth Comb – You can use this to smooth tangles and knots.
They offer wide range of pet grooming products. So be sure to check their site for more information about their products.
10 most intelligent / least intelligent dogs
How smart is your dog?
I saw this entry from somewhere. It is a list of the 10 most intelligent / least intelligent dogs. check if your dog is on the list.
World’s ugliest dog
Elwood bagged the Worlds ugliest dog title. Elwood is a 2-year-old Chinese Crested and Chihuahua mix. Elwood is now the most controversial dog that you’ll find on the internet. His dark colored and hairless skin and a mohawk-like puff of white fur on his head was his pass in becoming the ugliest dog in the world. Elwood earned a $1,000 price for his owner. Elwood is often referred to as "Yoda," or "ET," for his great resemblance to those famous science fiction characters.
Karen Quigley, Elwood owner, brought Elwood out to compete for the second year at the annual ugly dog contest at the Marin-Sonoma County Fair. Elwood bagged second place last year.
"I think he's the cutest thing that ever lived," "So ha ha, now Elwood's all over the Internet and people love him and adore him." said Elwood's owner Karen Quigley.
definitely uglier than ugly betty!
Pet Obesity - Are We Killing Our Pets?
Obesity was once only considered a condition affecting the health of adult men and women, who for some reason or another, didn’t take care of themselves properly. Statistics indicate that the severity of obesity has far more reaching implications than impacting on basic fitness quality. Obesity kills approximately 280 000 adults in the US alone.
This would be an alarming concern on its own, but research has proven that obesity also affects children. A survey has revealed that the rate of childhood obesity has grown rapidly in recent times with 4.2% of children aged between 6 and 11 years of age in 1963 to a staggering 17.5% in 2004. ( In reflection one might even determine that these statistics are not completely surprising given that children today are not performing the same physical activities as they were in the 1960s. This is true.
The roles of domestic animals have also changed through the years. At one time it was considered an affluent novelty to care for a pet in the home, especially if the animal did not perform some necessary task on the property. Latter as companion pet ownership became more usual the job of the pet typically changed to involve more “play time”, accompanying the children as they ran and played, or being a companion to its master in the duration of daily events. Then being rewarded at the end of a long days “work” with a hearty meal (it is strongly recommended that dogs should be fed two smaller meals a day, and even skipping 1 day a week).
As the usually daily tasks of our lives have changed, so have the duties of our four legged companions. As with humans pet obesity has become a major health issue. An estimated 25-40% of dogs in the United States are obese (*1). Pet obesity is not an issue involving dogs alone, cats and all domestic pets are at risk from this potentially fatal condition.
Pet obesity is a major health concern. Overweight pets suffer more physical ailments and do not live as long as animals of recommended weight. Obesity often reduces a pet's enjoyment of life. Health risks associated with weight gain include: Heart and respiratory disease, diabetes, liver disease, joint diseases such as arthritis and spinal disc problem just to name a few
As with humans the lack of physical activity is not the only contributing factor to health issues related to obesity in our pets. There are in fact a number of causes, and indeed a number of ways we can works towards in improving the quality of life for our companions.
Our first question should be “are we killing our pets with kindness”. Diet plays a significant role in contributing to pet obesity. While we should consider physical activity as a changed circumstance over the years, we should also consider reevaluating the food we feed our pets. Instead of examining the changed daily routine of our pets, and altering their diets to suit. We have either neglected to serve an appropriate diet, or over compensated for physical activity with the issuing of treats often with little or poor nutritional quality.
While we are well aware that fast food is bad for our kids, few of us realize that fast food is also bad for our pets. You might be wondering what fast food for pets is. Simply fast food for pets is a tin of dog food. Take the time to read the label on a tin of manufactured dog food and you will discover that it is packed with processed this and processed that and a whole variety of weird and wonderful additives. Not all tinned foods are the same; surprisingly many of the more expensive and well known labels are not ideal. I am sure my children will eat heartedly if I fed them McDonald's every night, but I certainly would not do this simply because it is not good for them. There are many good quality pre-prepared pet foods available on the market that do contain good healthy ingredients. Shop for your pet with the same concern you would when you shop for the human members of the family. Alternatively preparing your own healthy meals from fresh ingredients is surprisingly a cheap and easy option.
Keep in mind that treats are just that, treats!
And my favorite health routine for both myself and my pet, make time. A walk or play each day will not only improve your pets health, it is just what the doctor ordered for you also. A daily walk or play will improve health and wellbeing of mind body and soul for you both.
(*1) Wolfsheimer, KJ. Obesity. In: Ettigner SJ, Feldman EC. , editors. Textbook of veterinary internal medicine. 5th edition. WB Saunders Company; Philadelphia (PA): 2000.
Lauren a.k.a "The Pet Steps Lady" loves pets and is concerned about their health in today's world. She helps injured, elderly, and post-surgical pets with her quality dog and cat steps and is now looking to reach out to help those pet owners who have overweight and obese pets. Lauren is the proud owner of her dog Mollie B, her cat Pumpkin, and the newest addition to her family kitten Kingston.
Canine Parvovirus
My dog sam was infected by parvovirus and died after 3days. Two of my friends also lost their dogs due to parvovirus. What actually is parvovirus, its cause, symptoms and treatment?
I made some research and this is what I found about parvovirus.
Parvo - A Dangerous Canine Virus
By Shirley Green
Published: GSDCA Review
Canine Parvovirus (CPV), commonly referred to as parvo, is a very serious viral disease in dogs. This illness first appeared in about 1978 and there was a widespread epidemic in dogs of all ages. As no dogs had been exposed or vaccinated at that time, dogs of all ages died from this infection. Veterinarian researchers believe that canine Parvovirus is a mutation from the feline Parvovirus, also known as feline distemper virus. Parvo has adapted over time and new strains have appeared. The good news is that the current vaccinations available protect against all strains.
Three Types of Parvo
- Asymptomatic - where the dog has no signs of having the disease. This is common in dogs over 1 year old and dogs previously vaccinated.
- Cardiac – this form of the disease has virtually been eliminated by immunization of bitches prior to having puppies. Before a vaccine was available, infected pups, under 3 months, would have severe inflammation, necrosis (death) and scarring of the heart muscle. Although rare, it may still occur, leaving a pup with chronic congestive heart failure, often leading to death in weeks or months.
- Intestinal – this is the form of the virus most commonly seen today. It causes extreme damage to the lining of the digestive tract. Parvo likes to grow in rapidly dividing cells and the intestinal lining has the biggest concentration of rapidly dividing cells in a puppy’s body. The virus attacks and destroys certain portions of the absorptive villi, the intestinal crypts. And, even with this form of Parvo, heart muscle damage may also occur.
- Loss of appetite
- Vomiting
- Lethargy
- High Fever
- Diarrhea, often bloody
- Foul smelling, liquid yellow stool
Parvovirus causes severe life-threatening illness, through dehydration, acid-base imbalance, infection and shock. If you suspect your pet may be infected, it is an emergency and you should contact your veterinarian immediately.
How is it transmitted?
Parvo is carried by dogs. Adult dogs may be infected carriers and not show any signs. Dogs with the typical symptoms and diarrhea, shed the virus perhaps for as long as 7 days after the symptoms have ended. Generally, it takes 3 to 10 days from the time of exposure for symptoms to appear and for your dog or pup to test positive. The onset of clinical signs is usually sudden, within 12 hours, or even less.
The Parvovirus is particularly long-lived in the environment, lasting anywhere from 1 to 7 months, or even longer. Due to the large amounts of virus particles shed in the feces of an infected dog and the ability of the virus to survive, complete eradication of the virus is often impossible.
Parvovirus is specific to canines and cannot be spread to humans or other pets of a different species, such as cats.
Parvo may be brought home to your pup on shoes, hands and even car tires. It is not an airborne illness. So, even if your dog or pup does not leave your yard, they may contract this disease. Therefore, it is vital to immunize your dog and also follow appropriate disinfecting procedures listed under Prevention.
In all but mild cases, treatment requires hospitalization and intensive management is essential. There is no magic drug to kill the virus and the patient requires supportive measures, which may include:
- intravenous fluid replacement to combat dehydration and control electrolyte levels
- medication to control vomiting and diarrhea
- antibiotics to prevent secondary bacterial infections
- blood transfusions – to replace protein loss, provide antibodies, help with anemia
If your pup survives the first 3-4 days, it will usually live. Dogs that recover are immune to the disease.
After your dog recovers completely, it should be isolated for at least 2 weeks and some resources advise isolation for as long as 30 days. This is in order to minimize spreading the virus.
Preventing Parvo
Preventing parvo in your dog is a two-step approach:
F I R S T:
Vaccinating your puppy and keeping your adult dog up-to-date with regular booster shots can prevent Parvovirus. Consult your veterinarian to determine an appropriate inoculation schedule.
S E C O N D:
Follow these precautions to prevent the spread of the virus:
- Do not allow your puppy to socialize where other dogs have been until
your veterinarian indicates it is safe to do so - - after puppy shots. It is
much better to forego early socialization than to take unnecessary risks.
After all, you cannot train a dead puppy!
- Ask your veterinarian about what vaccination protocol is best for your pet and stick to it.
- If you have been in an area where dogs frequent – park, pet store, etc. – disinfect your shoes and keep them outside your home. If parvo is rampant in your area, this also applies to your clothing. Be sure and wash your hands and then disinfect them using a solution of one part bleach to 30 parts water.
- There are several parvo disinfectants on the market but regular bleach is still 100% effective and much less costly. The dilution is one part of chlorine bleach to 30 parts of water. REMEMBER: bleach will remove color from dyed fabrics or objects, so the commercial disinfectants have that advantage.
Keep spray bottles filled with your disinfectant solution at each entry to your home and yard; ask guests to spray their shoes and hands. Pick up feces and vomitus immediately and then disinfect the area. It is much better to
kill the grass or bleach the concrete than risk your pup! Keep the pup’s environment clean at all times.
Caution: Never, ever spray the bleach preparation on the animal at any time!
What If I Have A Parvo Pup?
Keep the infected dog isolated from all other dogs for at least one month after full recovery. Use your 1:30 chlorine bleach solution to clean all food and water bowls and wash all bedding in this same bleach solution and hot water. Disinfect all other areas where that dog has been – linoleum, concrete walks, crates, etc. Discard toys and chew bones used by the infected pup. Check with your veterinarian to see if a booster shot is appropriate for other dogs in your household.
If you have had parvo in your home, use the bleach and water solution to kill it.
Parvo can live up to seven months, or longer, in your home or yard. Before bringing home another dog, be certain it has a strong immunity built up to parvo. Have your veterinarian draw blood and run a titre to confirm how well your prospective dog will fare in a parvo-infected environment.
In Conclusion:
Parvo is a highly contagious disease that is of epidemic proportions in many areas of our country. Practice disinfecting procedures. Watch your pup closely for any signs or symptoms and immediately seek veterinary assistance if they appear. Hold off on socializing your pup in group classes and dog parks until all puppy shots have been given and your veterinarian says it is appropriate.
And, share this information with your friends and their dogs. Spread the information - - not the disease.
Dog Grooming Tables
Dog lover usually love to groom their dogs especially when they have free time. Here in Pet Planet, we think that one of the most important product or equipment a dog lover must have is a dog grooming table. One of the main reasons why pet lovers should give importance to grooming their pets is because this will improve the physical state of their pets as well as their health. Not only the pet owner need to look good but also their pets. Grooming your pets will also avoid parasites from bugging your pet. A dog grooming table doesn’t cost a lot so you don’t have to worry yourself.
The dog grooming tables that we found at will sure make you smile! Why? Because aside from its affordable, sturdy and is built to last a long time. You will never need to purchase another dog grooming table again. The design also frees up valuable floor and table space which is also perfect for those who run pet shops or pet grooming services. Check their website to see the amazing line of grooming tables.
Electronig dog collars
One of the simplest training aids that we have found for dogs is electronic collars. Electronic dog collar is a device that is placed on dog's neck. This device will allow you deliver small electric shocks of varying strength via remote control to correct your dog’s behavior.
Electric collar is one of the most controversial pet products for correcting dog’s behavior in the market today. Many people have second thoughts of administering a tiny jolt of electricity to their dog pet and not thinking twice about giving their pet a much more painful way of correcting its behavior like slap their pets on the nose.
We are here to show you alternative products for correcting your pet’s behavioral problems. Today, a lot of dog trainers are also using electronic collars. Electronic collars are now being implemented as a training tool in training services. With dog collars dog trainers and pet owners can easily and immediately correct a dog’s mistake at a distance far greater than leash training. A lot of pet owners have already tried using electronic collars in correcting their pet’s bad behavior and most of them are very pleased with the outcome compare to the traditional way of training their pets.
Always remember that using this kind of products has also great potential for abuse. Pet owners should always remember how to use it properly because misuse of this kind of product can hurt their pets. People who want to use these kinds of products should undergo a proper training on how to use the product and if possible visit a dog training session to know how to use dog collars and how it used on dog training practices. When you do that, you will clearly see how dogs behave when they are trained on dog collars.
Dog collars
If you are thinking of training your pets at your very own home you should consider the available training methods that can work and which is suitable for your dogs. What behavior do you want to correct? This is one question that you should also keep in your mind. If you just want to correct the non stop barking of your dog then bark collars will probably work best for your pet.
There are other kinds of dog collars on the market from bark collars, shock collars and more. Choosing the right dog collar for your dog will greatly affect the outcome of the training. There are dog collars that emit stimulation every time a dog barks like bark collars and bark diminishes. There are also dog collars that are programmable to let your dog bark for some time before it gives a small shock. This kind of dog collar will teach your dog that it’s okay to warn you when there are intruders but not to bark at anything all night.
Training collars, on the other hand, are controlled by the dog handler and usually varies in range from 200 yards to a mile. There are even training collars on the market that allows you to vary the intensity of the shock without having to manually adjust the collar by hand which makes dog training easier than before. Always remember to check and compare different product to know which one will work with your pet. Price of dog collars on the market varies from one distributor to another.
Pet nutrition
One of the most important things to know about taking care of your pets is their nutrition. Our pets can’t make decisions for themselves about what they will eat. Most of us usually just grab on what’s available on the market. But these products usually contain ingredients that are not good to our pet’s health. There are pet food products that when you look closely on the them you will see that it only contain scraps that full of artificial colorings, flavor enhancers to entice your pet to eat. Some pet food products have ingredients like meat and bone meal that are very questionable in terms of nutritional value. Worst, preservatives on pet foods that make the shelf life long are usually not good for your pets. If you think that you are giving your pets a good food better think again. This is true state of what we usually give our pets. So the next time you see a dog food that says "complete and balanced" on the label better look at the ingredients and see what kind of stuff they included in there.
There has been misconceptions and misleading information with companies that advertises their products. They just usually say what you want to hear. As a matter of fact there have been several pet food products that have been pulled out of market because of the contents of their products. Over the years pet owners and pet lovers have realized that they should be attentive on what they are giving to their pets. This has also led to the availability of some excellent commercial pet nutrition products. High quality meat-based foods for dogs and cats really are healthier for your pets compared to feeding grain based pet foods.
Some people notice the dramatic change in their pet’s health when they changed the pet food that they are feeding their pets. Optimal nutritional intake for dogs and cats is needed if you want your pets to maintain a healthy life. We as pet owners should be responsible enough for our pets and see to it that they are getting the right pet food. If you are not sure if you are giving your pets a healthy and safe food you can always check the website especially government sites that regulates these kinds of products.
Pet Planet recognition
We give recognition to those companies that value and promote animal welfare! We constantly on search for companies that gives importance not only to their profit but also give something back to the community.
We are proud to present this first ever recognition of PET PLANET to PETSAFE.COM for promoting animal welfare and awareness to other people.
“We are proud to partner with many diverse animal shelters, rescue organizations, spay and neuter clinics and animal welfare agencies across the country.”
you want additional information on what PetSafe is doing to promote animal welfare.”
Bath time!
One of the most common problems of pet owners when they have a new puppy in their house is bathing. Well, some people can’t stand the smell of new puppies because it smells like… well, like a puppy smell! If you are thinking of bathing your new puppy and wondering if its ok the answer is yes! You can bathe your young pup and usually giving them a good bath can really perks them up. It also helps to get rid of any dirt, stool or food that has hidden itself in the puppy's coat.
There wide range of puppy shampoos available in the market today. For puppies get the tearless kind because it doesn't sting if it gets in the eyes and will make the bath easier for you and your pup.
HOW? First you need to wet the pup down completely then lather up the shampoo all over. Be sure that you rinse the shampoo off thoroughly! If you don’t rinse it thoroughly those little shampoo left on the coat can irritate your pup’s skin later on. Rinse twice if you feel you still need to rinse their coat. Remember not to get any soap in their eyes because like us, they can be irritated by that.
It also helps to put a little cotton plugs in the ear canals of your pup. This will keep water and shampoo out of their ear canals. Using warm water will make your pup love their bath. Using water that is too cold or too hot will make your pup hate bath time! Wrap your puppy with big towel and gently rub the puppy dry. If you are going to use a blow dryer try not to scare the pup.
HOW OFTEN? You give your dog a bathe whenever it really needs to be cleaned up. A bath every three weeks is about right and some breeds like those with short coats may rarely need a bath.
WHAT KIND? It’s advisable to use mild dog shampoos especially for puppy. Your vet can tell you if your dog needs a special formula for dry skin, allergic dermatitis or very sensitive skin.
With this information I hope that you will have a happy bath experience with your pets.
Going Vegetarian!
If you are looking for reasons why you should go vegetarian you should watch the video and see for your self why!
Watch more videos at
Witnessing Animal Abuse or Neglect
People who witness animal abuse or neglect should report it to authorities. They should contact their local humane society, animal shelter, or animal control agency as soon as possible. Those agencies can help you and the poor animal because they have the power to enforce state and local laws related to animals. Aside from that they also have the capability to investigate and resolve animal abuse situations. We should do our part in protecting these animals from cruelty, abuse and neglect. If you do not help them who else will? Concern citizens are the eyes and ears of the community.
If your concerns are your safety, don’t worry because you can choose to remain anonymous when reporting such instances but giving your name to your humane agency will enable them follow up with you when necessary and to make a better investigation.
Please comment on this post to include your local shelter contact number or authorities that can help animals suffering from abuse, cruelty and neglect.
The Deadly Violence with Dog Fighting
One of the cruelest and deadliest games I’ve ever seen! You will find this deadly game in inner city alleys, quiet suburban backyards, and isolated locations. Scarred pit bulls on chains waiting for their turn in the pit! You will find dogs maul each other until one of them is unwilling or unable to fight and worst sometimes the fight will go on till one of the animals is dead!
The appeal of dog fighting's violent nature to gamblers has made this bloody and brutal game a popular pastime since early 1800s and today dog fighting remains one of cruelest exploitation of animals. Dog fighting is also associated with other illegal activities and crime such as money laundering and drug trafficking.
It’s hard to get figures on how many dogs are suffering from these kinds of violent activities. The dogs used in these kinds of activities can, while victims can also be very dangerous because they are raised to be brutally aggressive. Fighting dogs are not only a treat to other animals but to people as well. If dog fighting is present in your community, your children and pets are also at risk for attack form fighter dogs.
Whether losing or winning every dog fight can be a dog's last fight! Broken bones, deep bite wounds and internal injuries are some of the injuries a dog can get from these fight if not death. Sadly, even if they survive the fight alive their injuries are usually not being treated so I will not be surprised if those dogs die from blood loss or internal injuries.
So how can we help those poor animals?
There are still states where dog fighting is only a misdemeanor. This kind of blood sport is a menace to our community and despite the fact that it is already considered illegal in all 50 states there are still people doing it! 48 states have already made dog fighting a felony crime so if you really want to help, you can write to your state legislators and urge them to make it a felony.
We also ask you to spread this information to your friends and family. By doing this you will increase public awareness of the gruesome violence of dog fighting.
Dog fighting is an issue that should be taken seriously. You may want to display our dog fighting article to your community website.
Lastly, if you think that dog fighting is going on in your own neighborhood, alert your local authorities!
That’s it for now. I’ll post more information about dog fighting later. We need to do our part to stop dog fighting!
- image by
Puppy mills
Someone asked me if I want to buy a new dog. I asked the man where the dog came from and asked if he can show me some papers. He wasn’t able to produce any papers or identification so I declined his offer. I worry about the puppy. I bet it came from puppy mills.
What are Puppy mills? It is a breeding facility that produces purebred puppies in large numbers and the puppies are usually sold either directly to the public via the Internet, ads, at the mill itself. There are some people pet shops that sell puppies from Puppy mills.
If you are thinking of buying a new dog read first about this information. Over breeding, inbreeding, minimal veterinary care, poor quality of food and shelter, lack of socialization with humans, overcrowded cages, and the killing of unwanted animals; these are just few of the problems with puppy mills. Dogs that came from puppy mills usually need of immediate health and veterinary problems, worst some of the puppies have genetically borne diseases that do not appear until years later.
Dogs are forces to live in puppy mills just for the sake of producing more puppies and once their reproductive capacity declines they are killed. Puppy mills should be stopped and such activities shouldn’t be tolerated! If you know any puppy mills that do such activities report it to USDA or The United States Department of Agriculture. The USDA is in charged of enforcing AWA or Animal Welfare Act to those puppy mills that violates the AWA law.
why you should adopt a dog from a dog shelter or dog rescue
Here are reasons why you should adopt a dog from a dog shelter or dog rescue.
1. When you adopt a dog you will be able to save a life. There are a lot of loving and wonderful companion dogs that are being euthanized every year at dog shelters and dog pounds because there is not enough room or resources to care for them. So when you adopt a dog you also decrease the number of pets and dogs that are euthanized each year.
The demand to buy puppies at pet stores is due to the insatiable desire to buy pure bred puppies because people tend to think that they are getting good dogs when they buy it in pet stores. It doesn’t mean that dogs at a dog shelter or those dogs that are only pure bred are worth having.
2. There are pet stores that buy their puppies from puppy mills or breeders that operates one. Dogs from puppy mills are often the product of in breeding. Those dogs usually have genetic health problems that will surely hurt your heart and wallet with veterinary bills.
Just think of the condition of those pups that are kept in the horrible puppy mills. After they breed non stop they are disposed like trash once they can no longer produce litters. Click here for more info about puppy mills.
3. You give a fraction of the price when you adopt a dog or puppy at a dog pound or rescue compare to what pet stores charge for “pure bred” dogs.
4. The money you pay when you adopt from dog pound or rescue will be used to save more dog lives.
5. You usually find the most loving dogs at dog shelters.
6. Many dogs are in dog pound and rescue because of several reasons but whatever it is, isn’t it great to save a dog that is sitting caged on doggy death row. Why death row? Because many dog shelters only keep dogs a few days before killing them and some can’t afford for those pets to stay longer in their pound.
7. Another reason why you should adopt is that if you don’t have the time for the demands of life with a new puppy because puppies need a good deal of nurturing, training. You will also find fully grown dogs in dog pounds and rescues that are already ready for a new home, just needing your love and regular doggy care.
8. If you have a senior citizen in your family. A dog is suited to enjoy your family member’s golden years. Senior dogs are calmer and usually with less energy than a young dog which are perfect companion for mom, dad or any senior.
9. You will find wide variety of dogs that are ready to be adopted at dog shelters and dog rescues. You will surely find in dog shelter or dog rescue whatever you are looking for in a new dog.
10. Lastly, when you adopt not only that you will save a dog’s life, save money, help in the battle to put puppy mills out of business but also help save those dogs that are just being used to breed and make money.
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- Dog collars
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