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Friday, April 18, 2008

I’ve been tagged!

Johann the Dog tagged me a little while ago after she got tagged by The Dog Log. The deal with this tag is to name seven annoyances, and then tag some of my blogging friends so they can do the same. I could just copy Johann’s list since they also annoy me, but that would be kinda boring, so here are 7 new ones…

1. People who leave pets in cars when it’s hot outside.
2. Not having enough time to do all the things I want to do.
3. People who talk on cell phones while they’re driving, in restaurants, or in movie theaters. (what’s THAT important?)
4. Gas prices (but thankful I don’t have a gas-guzzler!)
5. Traffic
6. trying to read emails from people who don’t use any punctuation or capitalization making run on sentences that just keep going on and on making it really hard to understand what the heck they’re trying to say
7. Thinking about things that annoy me.

Since I’d rather think of other things than things that annoy me, I’m going to add 7 more things that make me smile :)

1. Seeing my dogs wag their tails.
2. My cat lying next to me, purring.
3. The smell of the forest in the fall and the crunch of the leaves under my feet.
4. The satisfaction of a job well done.
5. Surprising someone by doing something nice for them.
6. A beautiful, sunny day.
7. Money in my bank account!

And, here are the people I’m tagging - hopefully they’ll play along.

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